Hackers' NoteBook

CY486SLC Single Board System Board

Standard 30 Pin SIMM This board supports 256K, 1M and 4M modules. From 1M to 16M total memory is supported. 80-ns or faster memory is supported (100-ns may work but not tested).
U11 Cx486SLC2-50MP
Central Processor
Info - or - FAQs
U13 27c1001-20 F1
128Kx8 EPROM
PDF Spec Sheet
U7 D43256BGU-70L
32Kx8 Low Power SRAM
Chip Pinout
U10 82C836
System Controller
PDF Spec Sheet
U2 ST16c552
Dual Serial Controller w/Parallel Port
PDF Spec Sheet
U9 ST16C2550
Dual Serial Controller
Chip Information
U8 N82C42PC
Keyboard Controller
Chip Information
VGA Video RAM 512K x 16 (1M)
Chip Pinout
U50 CL-GD5428-80QC-A
VGA Video Controller
Spec currently unavailable
Driver widely available
U17 74HC138
Address Decoder
Standard TTL
May be of interest to re-map eprom/ram?
COM1 03F8-03FFh
IRQ 04
High Speed Serial Port
16550 16 byte Fifo
COM2 02F8-02ffh
IRQ 03
High Speed Serial Port
16550 16 byte Fifo
COM3 03E8-03EFh
IRQ 10
High Speed Serial Port
16550 16 byte Fifo
COM4 02E8-02Efh
IRQ 11
High Speed Serial Port
16550 16 byte Fifo
Video BIOS C000 to C7FF 32K
OEM Stuff C800 to CFFF 32K
Empty D000 to E7FF 96K
OEM Stuff E800 to EFFF 32K
System BIOS and Setup F000 to FFFF 64K
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