Submitted by Name: Al Gibbs From: San Pedro E-mail: Contact
Comments: I purchased an analog gyro and accerometer at the last swap from you. Where can I find the information on the devices so I can start using them?
Admin reply: I sent you all the information in an email and never heard back, I hope it was what you were looking for!
Added: January 30, 2012
Submitted by Name: Steve Smitty From: Redondo Beach
Comments: Nice site, glad you have a decent selection of sensors/controllers. Get more! the small cheap and easy ones are best!
Added: January 10, 2012
Submitted by Name: Jim From: Chino Hills E-mail: Contact
Comments: Great to see you at Chino Hills Swapmeet! Looking forward to using the Nano's and the Ethernet Shield. Arduinos are a cool development platform for both play and work.
Added: November 21, 2011
Submitted by Name: Roland From: RPV E-mail: Contact
Comments: Great to see you at TRW. You've been extremely helpful with my projects.
Added: November 7, 2011
Submitted by Name: Axel Lottel From: Los Angeles E-mail: Contact
Comments: Cool site, the Arduino projects, the Warehouse, the Forums, it's all great stuff. I will be coming back often. Great price on the Mega, time for me to buy one.
Added: October 23, 2011
Submitted by Name: Bruce From: Van Nuys
Comments: Great to see you at the swap. Keep getting new stuff, so far I haven't had lots of time to play with what I have but by next month I'll be looking for you again.
Added: September 26, 2011
Submitted by Name: Moshe From: home E-mail: Contact
Name: Rame
From: Torrance
E-mail: Contact
Private post. Click to view.